We offer climbing courses in Adršpach and in around Broumov area

Freetime activities in Adršpach and in around Broumov area

And if your hands start to be tired after our climbing courses in Adršpach we are offering aditional services.

Suitable for?

Courses are not limitated by age, everything is individual, it is up to your capabilities and self con dence. We will be pleased to combine any activities according to your choice.


Slackline Experience if your mind and body are on the same wave.

Enjoy a lot of fun and learn how to work with your body ballance under supervision of skilled instructor.

Rock guide

Průvodcování po těžko dostupných roklích Broumovských stěn We can get you to the remote rocktown places, almost un ndable to a visitor.

We can guide your journey you to the hardly accessible places within the valleys of Broumovské stěny. You will enjoy the routes almost un ndable without a guide of a localrown individual. You will discover beautiful and untouched landscape of Broumov area.

Biking trips

Cyklistický výlet For those who like to ride a bike, we provide a bicycle guide with whom you can discover a larger area, guide will also provide you with all the informations, historical facts and myths about places you will be passing by.

Horse rides

Vyjížďky na koních For those who likes to look at the world from the horseback we offer guided horserides, lorry and horse sledge rides during the winter months.

For kids and non skilled horsemen there is a possibility of riding in enclosure and horsewalks with the leader. For experienced horsemen guided free horseriding in the area.

Sailing on the lake Rozkoš near Náchod

Vyjížďky na plachetnicích na nedaleké přehradě Rozkoš You will try sailing on 5m (17 ft.) sailing boat with experienced capitan. Type of the boat is Fin or Corsar.

So if you are interested, don´t hasitate to contact me.

Tomáš Pýcha

mountaineering instructor accredited by the MŠMT ČR


(+420) 775 158 538


Lucka Janečková

mountaineering instructor accredited by the MŠMT ČR


(+420) 777 865 518


(link exchange)


Accomodation, tourism and next tips

Tip: Turistické zajímavosti, tipy na výlet a široká nabídka ubytování v Adršpašsských skalách. Poznejte krásy Adršpachu a vzhůru za zážitky!
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