We offer climbing courses in Adršpach and in around Broumov area

climbing courses in Adršpach
and next freetime activities

Tomáš Pýcha - instruktor horolezectví akreditovaný MŠMT ČR Hello poeple. That is me. My name is Tomas Pycha and I love climbing. I can say that I´ve grown up in the rocks and I will never be able to thank my parents for bringing me in here. Thanks to their love to various kinds of outdoor activities sport and consequently climbing have become my life content. I have tried climbing on many materials in last few years starting with different types of sandstone, limestone and granit in various climbing resorts all over the Czech republic, Europe and North America. The most i like is to climb big walls. I love place like Yosemity, Zion in USA and Italián Alpes. I visit some areas repeatedly, but sometimes coincidences take me to unknown and unexplored places. On each occasion I am very happy to come back to the east Bohemia amidst sandstone rock tower formations where I spend most of my climbing time and where it feels like home for me.

lezení na El Capitan I am sure that more than 10 years of active climbing in all areas of Broumov spur (Adr, Teplice, Broumov cliffs, Ostaš and Hejšovina) gives me the best presumption to show you the finest parts of local rock towns. And all this with a respect to your own demands, needs and your experience.

I guarantee that under my guidance you will optimally spend your recreation time and you will enjoy your climbing ascent with the highest rate of comfort and security. Private climbing I am offering is also a suitable opportunity for occasional climbers who will leave responsibility up to the instructor and will have a nice time while climbing.

So if you are interested, don´t hasitate to contact me.

Tomáš Pýcha

mountaineering instructor accredited by the MŠMT ČR


(+420) 775 158 538


Lucka Janečková

mountaineering instructor accredited by the MŠMT ČR


(+420) 777 865 518


(link exchange)


Accomodation, tourism and next tips

Tip: Turistické zajímavosti, tipy na výlet a široká nabídka ubytování v Adršpašsských skalách. Poznejte krásy Adršpachu a vzhůru za zážitky!
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